The 23 Pillars of Esoteric Gerontology


A revolutionary way to think about aging

For the first time in human history we are beginning to grasp the fundamentals of aging at the cellar level. Many believe that there are things that we can do to slow down the aging process, or stop it all together.

The founding premise of Esoteric Gerontology is that aging is a disease, and as a disease it can be cured. Diseases must be studied, analyzed, models created, hypothesis tested, and cures implemented.

The 23 pillars of Esoteric Gerontology explain what we can do now, and describes what areas of research that we need to focus on in the future to dramatically extend the human life span. One-hundred-and-fifty-year life spans will become common, if we as a nation are willing to spent the time, and resources to study this disease.

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